Licensed Therapists providing online virtual counseling anywhere in Nebraska and in-person counseling in Albion, Nebraska.

Welcome to our

judgement-free zone.

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“It feels like Brittany actually understands me, and is honest with me. She has helped push me to feel like myself again. I can’t imagine where I’d be if I never started therapy.”

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“Mollie has been amazing with my child. She has really helped us understand what our child needs, and she always leaves sessions excited to come back next week.”

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“Barb is an amazing lady. I really look forward to our sessions. She listens to all of my sh*t show, and never judges me. She helps me so much every time we meet.”

We get it. Life sucks sometimes.

Hey, let's face it—sometimes, life just plain sucks. It can be a roller coaster with too many dips and not enough highs, where the only prize at the end is a weird photo of you screaming your lungs out. But guess what? It's perfectly okay to admit that. In fact, acknowledging the suckiness is where healing begins. Enter therapy: your safe haven where it's not only okay to say "life sucks," but it's encouraged.

Imagine therapy as that cozy, judgment-free zone where you can kick off your shoes, let down your guard, and get real about the messiness of life. It's where you can unpack all the heavy stuff you've been lugging around, without someone telling you to "just look on the bright side." Here, we get it—life can be tough, confusing, and sometimes downright unfair. But we also believe in your incredible strength to navigate through it.

  • Illustration of mind racing, anxious thoughts, and feeling overwhelmed.


    If you've ever felt like your mind is a browser with 100 tabs open, or like you're juggling invisible balls while walking on a tightrope, then hello, anxiety might be your uninvited guest. It's that pesky voice that whispers, "Hey, let's overthink everything at 3 AM," and turns your stomach into a knot factory. Whether it's sweating about an upcoming meeting or replaying conversations from 2007, anxiety has a way of making mountains out of molehills. But guess what? You're not alone, and it doesn't have to be your forever plus-one. Let's chat about ways to turn down the volume on those anxious thoughts and find your chill. After all, you wouldn’t let other people talk to in the way that your brain does now.

  • Illustration of feeling alone, lack of interest, lack of motivation, and sad.


    Ever feel like you're stuck in a never-ending loop of "meh"? Like your get-up-and-go just got-up-and-went without leaving a note? That's depression, the uninvited couch surfer of the mind, making everything feel like you're moving through peanut butter. It's not just about being sad; it's the colors fading to gray, the laughter not reaching your eyes, and the world feeling a bit too heavy on your shoulders. Sometimes, it whispers lies like "Why bother?" or turns your motivation into a distant memory. But here's the deal: it's okay to not be okay, and you don't have to navigate this foggy road alone. Let's talk about finding some light together, because your story isn't over; it's just waiting for the next chapter.

  • Illustration of eye to represent eye movement desensitization and reprocessing EMDR, a proven trauma therapy.

    Trauma/ EMDR

    Feel like your brain is a bit of a hoarder, hanging onto memories you'd rather donate to the void? That's trauma, the unwelcome scrapbooker of our minds, pasting in pages we'd rather tear out. It's sneaky, showing up unannounced in flashes or feelings, turning ordinary moments into emotional minefields. Trauma can make trust feel like a high-stakes game and safety seem like a foreign language. It's like walking around with invisible weights, where the past feels heavier than it has any right to be in the present. Let's talk about setting down some of that weight together, because you deserve to travel light and reclaim your narrative. Remember, every step forward is a victory, no matter how small.

  • illustration of toys representing play therapy in nebraska.

    Play Therapy

    Imagine if solving life's puzzles could involve actual puzzles, or if understanding your feelings was as fun as playing your favorite game. Welcome to the world of play therapy, where the toys aren't just toys, and playtime is more than just fun and games—it's a journey to understanding. It's like having a secret language where actions speak louder than words, allowing kids to express, explore, and make sense of their world. It's a space where the rules of the outside world don't apply, allowing for a freedom to explore, heal, and grow. Whether it's through art, storytelling, or make-believe, play therapy taps into the natural way we learn and connect, turning "I can't" into "I can" and fears into milestones.

Book an appointment.

If you have some more questions, feel free to poke around our website and get to know us. If you are ready to dive in and schedule your first appointment, click that button below.