Request an appointment.
Ready to take the first step towards kicking life's challenges in the behind? Requesting an appointment with us is as easy as pie. Here's how it goes down:
Hit Us Up: Fill out our appointment request. Choose your therapist, see their availability, and request an appointment.
Paperwork Magic: We'll send over some paperwork via e-mail. Easy peasy.
Let's Get Started: Once we've got your paperwork in hand, it's go time! We will double check that your preferred therapist will be a good fit for insurance, availability, etc, and voila, you are on the road to a better you!
So, what are you waiting for? Let's do this thing together and show those challenges who's in charge! Request that appointment, fill out those forms, and get ready to start this life-changing journey. We've got your back every step of the way. Let's rock and roll!