We got you covered. Let us help with…


Anxiety's like having a bully in your brain, always whispering worst-case scenarios. Your heart races, palms get sweaty, and it feels like you're on a rollercoaster without a seatbelt. But hey, therapy's like your armor, helping you slay those anxious dragons and find calm in the chaos.

Life Stress

Life stress is like a relentless parade of challenges, hitting you like a ton of bricks. It's that overwhelming feeling that makes you want to scream into a pillow. But fear not, my friend. We're in this together. Therapy's like a badass stress shield, equipping you with tools to navigate the chaos. It's time to rise above the bullshit and reclaim your peace.


Depression is like being stuck in a pitch-black tunnel with a heavy-ass weight on your chest. It's a relentless battle against the darkness, draining your energy and stealing your sunlight. But don't you worry, therapy's here to be your flashlight. It guides you step by step, helping you find the exit and reclaim your spark

Substance Use

Substance use is like a sneaky little devil, tempting you with a quick fix and promising to take the edge off. But before you know it, that devil becomes a monster, hijacking your life and sanity. It's a tough battle, but you're a badass, and you're not alone. Therapy's like a sword, helping you slay that addiction dragon and find freedom.


Trauma is like a tornado ripping through your core, leaving shattered pieces in its wake. It's the scars and shadows that linger, threatening to break you down. But you're not alone in this storm. Therapy is your anchor, helping you rebuild and find strength amidst the wreckage. So hold on tight, because healing is possible.

So Much More

Therapy is like a secret weapon that can tackle more than just the usual suspects. It's a powerhouse that can help you just feel more like yourself. It's a safe space where you can unload your thoughts, fears, and dreams, knowing that you won't be judged. So, whether it's battling your inner demons or finding your purpose, therapy's got your back.

Specialized Services

  • illustration of eye representing EMDR therapy, trauma therapy, eye movement desensitization and reprocessing


    Picture this: it's like a magic show for your brain, helping you break free from the chains of trauma and painful memories. With the power of eye movements and a skilled therapist, EMDR works its voodoo to rewire your brain and ease your suffering. It's like hitting the reset button on your emotional baggage.

  • Play Therapy

    It's like a supercharged form of therapy specifically designed for kids to let loose, communicate, and handle their emotional hurdles like champs. In these sessions, therapists bring their A-game with games, artsy stuff, and let's not forget the power of imagination! Through the magical world of play, these therapists get a glimpse into a child's experiences, emotions, and what's really bothering them.

  • CBT/ DBT

    CBT and DBT are the dynamic duo, like Batman and Robin, here to save the day. They empower you to break through the barriers holding you back and live your most extraordinary life. So grab a notebook, a cape, or whatever the hell you need, because with CBT and DBT, you're ready to conquer the world.