Privacy policy.

Welcome to Growth and Grace Counseling LLC. Your privacy is of utmost importance to us. This Privacy Policy outlines how we collect, use, and protect your personal information when you visit our website or participate in our services.

Information We Collect

1. Personal Information: When you register for our services, we may collect personal information such as your name, address, phone number, email address, date of birth, and emergency contact information.

2. Health Information: As part of our therapy services, we may collect sensitive health information relevant to your treatment.

3. Usage Data: We may collect information about how you use our website, including your IP address, browser type, pages visited, and the time spent on our site.

How We Use Your Information

1. Provision of Services: We use your personal and health information to provide, manage, and improve our therapy services.

2. Communication: We may use your contact information to send you updates, reminders, and other relevant information regarding your treatment.

3. Compliance: We may use your information to comply with legal obligations, such as reporting requirements.

Sharing Your Information

1. With Your Consent: We will share your personal information with third parties only when we have your explicit consent.

2. Service Providers: We may share your information with third-party service providers who assist us in operating our practice, provided they agree to maintain the confidentiality and security of your information.

3. Legal Requirements: We may disclose your information if required by law, court order, or other governmental regulation.

4. We do not sell your information, and your information will not be used for any marketing purposes.

Data Security

We implement a variety of security measures to protect your personal information. These measures include secure servers, encrypted communications, and restricted access to your information.

Your Rights

You have the right to access, update, or delete your personal information. You may also withdraw your consent for us to use your information at any time, subject to legal or contractual restrictions.


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Changes to This Policy

We may update this Privacy Policy from time to time. Any changes will be posted on this page with an updated revision date.