Hey! It’s Kelli.

Hey there, lovely humans of the Growth & Grace community! I'm Kelli, your go-to office guru who's all about spreading sunshine while sipping on coffee, surrounded by plants, and showered with puppy love.

Picture this: I'm like that burst of sunshine peeking through the clouds on a gloomy day, brightening up the office with my infectious energy and positive vibes.

Coffee? Oh, honey, that's my fuel. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee is like a warm hug in a cup, keeping me energized and ready to tackle any challenge that come my way. And let's not forget about my plant babies! They're the pops of green that bring life and freshness to our workspace, reminding us to stay grounded and connected to nature.

So, whether you need to reschedule, talk about what therapist is a good fit for you, or have any other questions about how to navigate the world of therapy, I’m here for you. Think of me as your office sunbeam, ready to brighten your day, provide a listening ear, and offer support in any way I can. Let's navigate the busy waters together.